sâmbătă, 17 februarie 2007

Glykon snake the treasure of Romania

Glykon snake is an unique sculpture  in the world which is carved from a single block of marble. 
 It is the most important piece of the Museum of National History and Archaeology from Constanta – Romania.
It was first discovered on 1 April 1962.

Also found a statue symbolizing a woman, and a plaque inscribed SSS = 666. 

It can be understood as the carbon 12 isotope - contains 6 electrons, 6 protons, 6 neutron. 

 Carbon 12 is the physical body of man in connection with the physical universe.

ABT SSS KAN = 666 years. 

Is the sign to those who worshiped returning to the true faith.

The first date to be mentioned about Romanian archaeology is 1834, that is the moment when the first Antiquities Museum came into being. In Romania, as almost everywhere else, the archaeology became a science during the last decades of the last century and at the beginning of our century by the "marriage of typology and stratigraphy" and when it separes itself from the antiquarianism.
 Main location:
National Museum of History and Archaelogy
Constanta - ROMANIA

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